The Ants around a Sugar-cube...
The thought of taking the CBD streets off cars is not a new one; but I think it is already happening, with or without a congestion tax.  And that is through simply charging way too much for parking.
The streets of Brisbane are all but cleared of parks for bus zones, taxi zones, loading zones, clearways and no standing.  And the ones left are $4 an hour minimum.  The multilevel parking facilities don't offer an alternative either, with some charging up to $40 an hour!
So even now, the cost of entering the city with a vehicle is causing a mass zoning of parking out of the city and busing or ferrying it the last little bit.  The areas of kangaroo point, west end and Toowong/UQ are heavily abused by city working drivers now, and in the future only putting limited time meters is going to stop it.  The ants around the sugar-cube effect.
This guy shops online.
In the Suburban talk we looked at gender specific shopping.  Girls like the experience of shopping, possibly in groups as a social thing, whereas guys tend to know what size they are and dont really enjoy trying stuff on or lots of customer service attention so as a result men are fast becoming the bulk of the online shoppers.  The call of guilt free purchasing without judgment is probably too much for some, but also, guys don't like to try different stuff on, we develop a style and stick with it.  Just look at how many middle-aged men in the city still look like they come out of the 80's.  Yet woman like staying on top of latest trends and looking fresh and young, this is probably from our skewed view of what is beautiful.
Looking at making Woodford self-sustainable we looked at making the music scene in Woodford sustainable by having the folk festival every weekend, and attaching a music school and also a creative arts school to facilitate ongoing talent and a place for musicians of Brisbane to release their music to the world.
In developing this idea we suggested that the stage be the center of the new university and the buildings organically spread out from the center that is the stage.  We likened this to the development of European cities, like Milan, organically from the place of worship in the middle, fronted by a square for congregation, surrounded by supporting development.
From these insights we developed quite far out and futuristic technologically driven outcomes, and this helped with my own personal development.
Wait for future installments to see where I'm heading...