The Real and the Virtual...

So the thought of a building with everything still needs boundaries, and still has potentials for exclusivity.  A residential unit may not want to be next to a bar or a brothel, and suitably, night jobs such as bakeries don't really need the neighbours keeping them awake at 10 am; so maybe, the solution is zoning in the building.

Noise zoning is one way; but really, we only make noise when we are using the site, so maybe the building needs to be designated into zones based on when the floor is active, or when the floor is allowed to be noisy, as residential is not necessarily a all night space, so lifestyle and use is the driving force behind zoning, and perhaps internal public space divides floors that are multi-zoned, or maybe its a rainbow of zones.

But also the idea of virtual views, which are on every floor are fine for some, but there is still a need at the top of the building to use the view, the real versus the virtual view.  On these levels I think bigger sized modules, perhaps 4 per level and they could focus on expensive real estate, such as restaurants and high end apartments  whereas the lower levels could be less focused on the external view and more on the internal use.

Also the system in which people use the building is different to any other; where normally we buy or lease units and the walls and the like are fairly permanent  in this scenario we lease the walls and fixtures and finishes from the building as well as the floor space, so real estate becomes less of an investment, and rather than expensive throw away fit-outs  we use long life materials that are digitally enhanced to change their use or appearance   So really while the building modular system is a different way to use a building, it is also a different way to sell a building, so really the architecture is more about real estate; not just the construction but also management of the building.

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