TED talks: Framework Design & Augmented Reality

I just watched this TED talk by Kent Larson [1] about adaptable spaces, shared city cars and changing urban infrastructure to fit the future city. 

It was exactly what technology I imagine a city of the future could use; rather than relying on materials, it uses power to do things, and saves on city space and the it could instead use that space for more population.

It discusses the idea of my building that I create a framework, and the consumer fits it out how they want to use it; with various infill options that reduce materials and are reusable.

I think this is the idea I will be exploring further, buildings and cities that are more walk-able, but also, increase the density to reduce materials.

But also i found a TED talk by Matt Mills [2] about augmented reality that are used by phones, but as the Google glass project shows, it could easily become a more everyday device like glasses to change the view of the world around.  It uses auras of particular things, such as paintings, pictures, or scenes and then adds an overlay of information.  

So a look at a city, each building could provide a trigger to share more information about whatever the consumer wants to know about, whether it be the history of the site or building, the retail or commercial contents, whether your friend who lives on the 5th floor is home; anything can be shown and I think that could be a powerful tool for people in getting immersed in their world, how they want to.

So the future is not science fiction, but rather, today's technology which in itself is an adaption, being adapted for a more seamless and integrated, augmented reality.


1 comment:

  1. Your thought processes and ideas are well expressed but I'm not clear what conclusions you've reached. I guess these will come but it's worth pinning down the site you've chosen, exploring the architectural entity/proposals, how spaces are navigated.

    Is Bob the only character? Wouldn't there be a need for communal activities when individuals lead such isolated lives?

    If heads-up technology can offer all scenarios and free energy offers any configuration of space/material then the challenge is how to represent this freedom architecturally. Have you considered a series of events and how you will present this story?
