Architecture is temporary…
At least, it is in most senses.  Other than the place you live, architectural is a temporal experience, like a meal or a drink, it’s only an experience while you’re enjoying it; then and there.  Once you leave, it’s over; done and dusted; just a memory for you to relive and enjoy.
So a building like the pantheon for me, even if the building stands for thousands of years; it’s fleeting in my mind because I’ve only been once, and if I don’t go again, it’s not there.  So really I’m talking metaphysically, the experience of my time there, not just the longevity of materials.  While most architecture is a material thing, it’s not experienced on a material level for more than the time taken within.

So, architecture is temporary, well at least in my mind.  So if we are looking at architecture as a passing experience than it is more than just the materials of the walls and the sustainability elements slapped on the roof, it’s the smells, the sounds, the population of the space; its everything that we as architects have very limited control over.

So if we cannot control it, then what are we to do?
So maybe we need to develop a framework or a system in which the space exists, not just an envelope, structure and stuff, but a lifestyle event generator; an event space that is activated in a systematic way maybe; or maybe a blank canvas in which the experience is the population changing the space through use and abuse.